Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Been a long whileeee....

I know it's been a good while since I've posted. I really don't have an excuse so it's my fault, heh.

Today I started working out a bit today with Jeffy and I feel good. I noticed that I have gained my weight back since last year and I feel uncomfortable in my own body. I live on the 3rd floor and I used to be able to run up the stairs to my door and now I can't. I have to stop and catch my breath. Blahh. Hopefully I can get to where I want to be in life since I've decided that I'm going to get everything back in order.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Paralyzed by the same old antics

That's a song line from "Paralyzed" by The Used...it's a catchy tune!

I know I haven't updated at all much lately, I was working 5 days straight sometimes very early in the morning and this past Friday I went down to Lake Jackson on a little road trip for work. This weekend was spent relaxing, going to the BBQ cookoff which was AWEEEESOMMMEEEE! I had a blast this weekend and just taking time to slow down a bit and enjoy life. My hours aren't as long this week [sadly...] and it's starting to be layoff season for my seasonal job. Hopefully things pan out the way I want them to. If not, I've just got to fight as much as I can. This saturday is Jeffy's birthday and we're having a pretty big gathering at a local restraunt that he absolutely loves. [Flaming shots for the birthday boy!] hahahahaha....this is gonna be fun.